Here's a picture of those dvds

Here's my quick take on these films-- I enjoyed each one and I rated them:
1. TRADE, starring Kevin Kline: most important issue-- slave trafficking, great acting, story straight forward, ending heart warming but, sadly, unbelieveable... Hero courageously seeks the truth
2. AWAKE, starring Jesica Alba, Terrence Howard, Hayden Christensen: issue does not jibe with my experience-- doctors and nurses are out to get your money; story kept me in my seat: Hero on the operating table finally faces the truth, "they're out to get me,"
3. DISORDER, starring Darren Kendrick: issue is confusing--- I thought I was innocent, I may be guilty: Hero has mental challenge which keeps him from finding the truth
Truth, Illusion: I began to face my illusions in 1969. Following an arson fire on Hilltop in Tacoma, I went to a community meeting with the Mayor of Tacoma which was held at the MLK Center. When challenged by a member of the Black Panthers, the mayor reacted in such a way that I found myself thinking that he really did not care what Black people thought. I am still trying to function in a healthy way in our society where profits come first and people come....
I have found that choosing to stay connected with other human beings is essential for me enrichening my inner world with the always developing reality of our world.
Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King's sermon, The Drum Major Instinct, is one wonderful pieces of writing that keep challenging me to get real and find out how other human beings think and feel:
Here a picture of the cover of the book, A KNOCK AT MIDNIGHT, where the sermon is printed, Carson & Holloran, editors

Dr. King is commenting on what he would like to be said about him the day of his funeral:
"I'd like for somebody to say that day that Martin Luther King, Jr., tried to love somebody. I want you to be able to say that day that I did try to feed the hungry. And I want you to be able to say that day that I did try in my life to clothe those who were naked. I want you to say that I tried to love and serve humanity."
One of the ways I get out of my world of illusion is by asking myself what I want people to be able to say about me the day I am buried...
Dear friends, how would you like to be remembered that day... you have gifts and dreams... you are all very beautiful.... how do you want to be remembered

I'd like to be remembered as I remember my very best friend (through every emotion there is)...a true spirit dancing imperfect and hopeful in the service of Love.
Thanks, Lorraine... what a great metaphor... dancing... each day does call us to move in synch with the heart beat of each person we meet...
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