When was the last time you watched a movie that could save your life, or the life of someone you love?
I know it’s not May…and I try not to be a one-note neighbour…but this is important. Thursday, July 24th, at 7pm there is to be a private screening of “Under Our Skin,” a documentary on Lyme (both medical and political) at the Harvard exit Landmark Theatre, 807 E. Roy St., Seattle. This is a one-time only event, with an hour-long Q&A with Dr. Marra M.S. N.D. before the movie’s start. The tickets are $10 and can be purchased at the theatre.
From the press release:
A dramatic tale of microbes, medicine and money, this eye-opening film investigates the untold story of Lyme disease, an emerging epidemic larger than AIDS. Each year thousands go undiagnosed or misdiagnosed, told that their symptoms are “all in their heads.” Following the stories of patients and physicians as they battle for their lives and livelihoods, the film brings into focus a haunting picture of our health care system and its ability to cope with a silent terror under our skin.
From the Director’s Statement: Andy Abrahams Wilson
Perhaps this film project, which has endured over two years and 350 hours of footage, is my penance for the way I treated my twin sister when she was sick. But I also recognize a good story and know a good deed: By CDC upper estimates alone, Lyme disease may be the fastest growing infectious disease in the country, dwarfing AIDS and West Nile Virus combined. Like my sister, today thousands of patients are told that their symptoms are “in their head” or a result of stress, depression, or “unknown etiology.” They live with chronic, debilitating illness. Left untreated, some die and others take their own lives. Most go through a ceaseless maze of doctors and diagnoses, with few answers and often no insurance coverage because Lyme is not recognized as a chronic disease.
Our film tells the hidden story of Lyme disease, while shining light on the deep, dark fissures in our healthcare and medical research systems. It is meant to open eyes to a danger under our skin that has gone far too long ignored. Awareness literally will save lives.

More and more, my daughter and I are approached by neighbours, by audience members, by readers of this blog...to ask questions and to share their own stories. Numbers quoted by the Washington State Health Department are woefully lower than reality. This is what happens when uneducated doctors are led astray by CDC surveillance guidelines...and the IDSA's blind eye to chronic Lyme.
We extend a particular challenge to the resident and attending doctors of University of Washington's Harborview Family Practice Clinic and their Roosevelt Family Practice Clinic to attend this movie. My daughter would like to look you eye-to-eye, now that she is out of her wheelchair and seizure-free. You owe it to your oath and the good people of Washington State.
You keep playing that note, Lorraine honey. You can stop when the AMA starts listening to the music.
This film project sounds extraordinary. Is the project expected to have an extended or national release?
If you google "Under Our Skin" you can see the different screenings scheduled...but this is the only one for Seattle. Tickets go on sale at the theatre on Monday...and apparently they've been getting lots of calls. We're really hoping for some media coverage of the event.
It's one of those barely funded independent movies...but we're all hoping it's also one of those 'little engine that could' movies...for everyone's sake.
We've got room for one more in our car!
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