Here is what I wrote about who I think I am when I "feel safe, accepted, relaxed, integrated, free, and alive:"
"I move with the moment. I listen; I ask questions; I will ask others to share stories; I'm candid.
If I am with the folks (other African Americans) I fall into my Southern, Texas way of speaking (slower, words sliding into one another, tone and words moving melodiously--- now deep, now high pitched, now, with a grunt, now with a uh huh or a 'thank you very much,' to emphasize my point. My stories and concerns focus on the issues that are most important to me...
1. concerned about racial discrimination,
2. shamed by other African Americans who 'make all of us look bad,'
3. excited when I consider African Americans who are showing themselves to be bright, creative, able to get over on the patronizers, manipulators, abusers, and exploiters,
4. sorrowing deeply for the Black children and young adults who are being set aside, abused, unjustly used,
5. excited and thrilled by the people of other races who get it... the sorrows, fears, and joys of being marginalized in our country;
6. and who put themselves on the line every day to make life here better for us all..."
Seeing so much of me on paper and having the opportunity to share with others is so very freeing... like I have felt often when I have sat around the fireside with dear friends on a cold, wet night, and just talked, listened, learned and loved... and all the time hoped that that fireside time would never, never end...
We met in Olympia at the Tillicum Presbyterian Center
Our speaker was the honest, open, truly well read scholar, Dr. Gretchen Gundrum, Ph.D. from Seattle University... I loved the way she spoke to us... didn't hide behind a podium or a bunch of papers... she knew what she was talking about and invited us to share our thinking and lives
The women and men,all members from varying Christian denominations, of the Spiritual Care Departments for the Franciscan Hospitals) attending were very, very bright, honest, open, caring, and willing to put themselves out there... weaknesses and strengths sincerely and serenely shared,
At a site that was surrounded by just the greenest lawns and the most beautiful trees:
And I end this post by inviting all who can to walk around the sacred space where I learned so much about myself and other human beings... WHAT A WONDERFUL DAY THIS WAS TO JUST BE ABLE TO BE MYSELF...
I swear, Joseph, the first time I read this I didn't see anyway to comment, but here it is! Yeah! Great post.
I am very ashamed of lots of white folks. In college I took a Native American Studies and had nightmares many nights of beautiful brown people dying at the hands of people who looked like me. We can only be the best person of what ever flavor we are (and actually we all spring from the same cradle) and try to make sure things like the Inquisition, the Holocaust, etc. never happen again. Here's to keeping all children safe.
Thank you, Stephanie, you heard me, you shared with me honestly, you are helping me to become a better person... when we share a light anywhere, many, many people are led to feel safer, willing to share honestly, and confident that we can live sincerely with one another...
You are wonderful...
And talk about being with "the folks" and slipping into a certain way of speech patterns are made of sponge. As soon as I get around my Missouri family my husband says I sound just like them! I'm sure that if I went to France I'd start speaking English with a French accent.
I think it is absolutely surprising/delightful how we human beings reach out to one another and find ways to become one with each other... perceptions, behavior, speaking patterns...
Do you think, Stephanie, (and all the rest of you wonderful folks who might, by chance, be attending to our conversation) that essential to our being happy is our chosing to accept that we are created to be united... to care for and support each other...
The you are wrong and evil and I am right and good approach to life really challenges what I have written above...
Any strutting and crowing I might even think about doing is contrary to this being one with another way of thinking too...
Dilemma, dilemma, dilemma???!!!
Our minds seem to be wandering similar paths this week, Joseph, for as soon as I posted my comment I wondered what innate mechanism might be at work to make us unconsciously seek to fit in wherever we are. Certainly I am the resident pot-stirrer and dissident, always beating my wings against injustice and asking why, and no doubt would not have lasted very long in a society such as Nazi Germany, but there is something in me at the same time that seeks to be accepted by those around me. I am sure that if I spent time with your “folks” I would begin to sound like them!
Remember, "Not all who wander are lost." ~Tolkien
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