So, what do a sassy Tacoma beauty business icon, authoress, and hair magician have to do with hairapy and Dolly Parton? Find out easily by reading Aura Mae’s little book that could: Get Some Hairapy…A Hairdresser’s Prescription for Happiness. Aura Mae, of downtown Tacoma’s Azarra Salon, is a Board Certified Haircolorist, educator, blogger, and writer (among many other things, too numerous to note here!). I mean, ladies and gentlemen, how many times do you dish with your hair stylist? C’mon! It’s a given phenomenon—and it goes beyond just dishing. Hairdressers hear positively EVERYTHING from the life joys, hurts, issues, and secrets from their clients. In Get Some Hairapy… Aura captures this universal truth, and with great humor, sass, class, insights, wisdom, and kick a** attitude, she delivers. And she tells it like it is. Ah, but not in the way you would think. She takes you on the road of her own life, in the good, bad, and the so-so of her own experiences, coupled with sincere love of friends, family, and community, and infused with those laugh out loud moments. With such chapters titled as: Stop shooting yourself in the foot and then wondering why your foot hurts? No one keeps you a victim without your permission, It doesn’t cost you anything to be nice, and Have a little fun, you can’t help but walk away refreshed and READY to be happy. It’s time, don’t you think?
And Dolly Parton endorsed this book. Dolly Parton! The Dolly Parton! Her quote is on the front cover—I laughed out loud—I love this book! Besides my mom who shares the same birthday and birth year with Dolly, how many Gritty Tacomans can claim a Dolly Parton endorsement?
Check it out, readers and bloggers. The book was published back in 2005; so I am late to the party, but still havin’ fun. And, a sequel book from this talented dynamo is forthcoming.
So, get some Hairapy, Tacoma, from the hairdresser that talks back!
To get the book, take a look at www.infinitypublishing.com, Amazon.com, or stop by the Azarra Salon and get yourself a copy direct from the authoress herself. For more Aura Mae fun, check out the Hairapy site by clicking HERE and then check out her blog and salon website HERE.
Happiness and love,
When I want to know what is really happening in the 'hood, I head for the barbershop... and folks are complaining, bragging, naming names... and the warmth of the people there just is wonderful...
barbershops, coffeehouses, church picnics... safe places to let one's hair down (pun recognized and I humbly take responsibility for it... (all together.... uggggggggggh!)
heigh ho Hair Rinse, away!!!
Now Joseph, you will find her blog refreshing. Talk about keeping it REAL!
On the Long Beach Peninsula where I used to live (and hope to again someday) the bakery was the source of what was happening. I worked there briefly and it was the best place to hear the gossip. The other place to get news there riding the local bus. My mother still gets a lot of her news that way.
Hey, Steph:
Since I have little ones still, the gabfest happens at local parks, school events, etc. While the kiddos play, the adults have their say!
Thanks for chatting me up, Kim! I especially like "the little book that could" line. When I wrote the book, I had to throw in a couple of filler pages because it had to be a certain length to be in the national distribution system. I couldn't make the font any bigger or space it out farther on the page.
The stories are there to enlighten and entertain, but the message of how to be happy is painfully simple and could fit on a poster. (Hey! A new marketing idea!)
Most of us know what we need to do to live a happy, joyous life, but sometimes we forget the simple things and need a reminder (or a kick in the a**, as the case may be!)
You are quite welcome!
So, is there a target time/date for book #2?
We are going to have a second edition printing of this book, and I am currently gathering stories from other hairdressers for book 2. Anyone have one?
Hey, Aura Mae... how about posting with us sometime... that would be absolutely hair setting...???!!!
OOOH! Can I be a member of the club? Is there a password or a secret handshake? Is there a hazing ritual?
Mark Briggs is supposed to be in charge of "inviting" people and his email appears on the front of the site. He's slow at answering, but I say we have a "straight from the chair" person! We need many voices. Go for it, Aura Mae!
Girl, if you come aboard, we'd have some FUN!!!!!!!
My entire family frequents Aura. Mommy gets her (yes, I know, it is too, too long, Aura!) hair highlighted and nipped, while the other 3/4 of us (all males)shuffle in, oh, once a quarter or so to get shorn (envision bleeting sheep in a pen, all blond). The boys (3 and 6) insist on Aura, are absolutely disdainful of the FunKuts people and their chatter.
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