A Review From My Porch
This afternoon was a beautiful afternoon at the beach for sitting on the porch and taking a break from watching “Winds of War”. Frequently my mother and I watch a series, generally a Victorian or Regency set. This summer it is WWII. Maybe because I’ve been working on my garden for my dad and uncles who fought in the Pacific. Maybe because I’ve lost so many from that generation.
The prediction is for eighty degree weather tomorrow and Saturday and seventy-five on Sunday. A friend is coming for the day Sunday to escape the heat in Portland. We are happy to oblige by providing lunch and a tour around the Peninsula. There’s a new bakery in Oysterville and a new book shop in Ocean Park.
I’ve been trying to get the flower beds so I don’t shame myself in front of folks with better yards than I. I even planted a tomato plant in an old wheelbarrow. With tomatoes being a dicey purchase these days it seems like a smart idea. My mother laughed and called me a strange little girl. It’s good to have her back to her usual self!
A chicken in the oven was wafting the smell of rosemary and poultry out the door and making us hungry. Just as I was thinking about starting the rest of dinner a neighbor of my mother’s, whom we had invited to go out to dinner with but had a previous engagement, called to say that her engagement was cancelled. This caring woman has been a godsend to my mother on more than one occasion, most recently when my mother was hospitalized. Yesterday was her birthday so I’d promised a nice birthday meal as my gift to her.
We decided to go to the “Lightship Restaurant”. It sits on top of the Edgewater Inn on the beach at the 10th street approach, also known as Sid Snyder Drive. It is a favorite place of my mother’s as well as her friend. We like being able to see the beach activity while we eat. The food there is very good. My mother had devils on horseback, her friend steak, Amy fish & chips and I salmon. Our waitress was courteous and prompt and I had no complaints where she was concerned, but another waitress engaged in an activity best left to the bathroom and quite unnerved us.
This young woman, who has worked there for a year or more, arrived and began spraying and fingering her hair into a rat’s nest right in front of the dining area. The rest of the staff seemed nonplused about her routine which I found extraordinary when there is a perfectly good women’s bathroom at hand. Had she been our waitress she would have received a very small tip in deed. Instead she got a discreet note. I have always recommended the Lightship because of the view and the chowder. I still recommend the food, but beware the waitress with the amazing hair!
I could ramble for a long time about pride of service. Where is it?
I do believe Kim's grandmother should give seminars!
Just love the tomato plant in the wheelbarrow Stephanie!
I agree with you about the service, Lorraine. In general the Lightship has been a very satisfactory place. We've never gotten there early enough to see this young woman come on shift. I thought of complaining to the manager or the Health Department but did not because so many folks here live on the margins. I am hoping that bringing it to her attention she will mend her ways. Had I not been with my mother's friend to celebrate her birthday I would have called out something across the restaurant and in the movie version I will.
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