I must admit I'm relieved to be wrapped in a fuzzy shirt, sipping my cuppa this morning. A little moist coolness is a welcome change from the hot, dry days that have been...and will be coming again. Even the leaves on the trees look grateful for the sky's silver lining, after twisting in the heat yesterday. They're dancing in this morning's breeze, a moving frame for the incoming teal tide. The blackberry bushes don't wave so much, laden-down with their little green, tight-fisted fruit.
The birds seem happy for the cool morning too. The little hummers orbit around the purple butterfly bush and butter-yellow hollyhocks; goldfinches, black-headed grossbeaks, rosy-breasted nuthatches, juncos and chickadee-dee-dees squabble over the best seats on the swinging feeders. Jazzpurr the cat watches from the back of the re
It seems like forever since I've been able to write in the neighbourhood and share my little piece of paradise with you. We are under yet another upheaval about cable on the Key. Broadstripe has taken over and is in the middle of replacing useless, worn-out equipment. The service guys are working really hard and trying their best. The customer reps in Michigan are about as useless as a polka-dot dress on a bull...but talking about them will only rattle my peaceful morning. At least I am able to write a post...just have to stand on my head and wrap my butt in aluminum foil to send it in!
Yesterday afternoon, Rani the pup and I spent some time in the side garden. We call this Rani's playpen because it's the only part of the property that's fenced-in. We put a kiddie pool and chairs in the shade so I can cool my tootsies and Rani can tune-in to her water-dog side. She climbs in and puts her whole snout under the water, blowing bubbles as she tries to get those fishies painted on the bottom! After she's splashed herself wet and cool, she has a
The roses are as pale as old paper, the palm fronds rattle like dry old bones and the grass is prickly gold, like straw...but the purple clematis and honeysuckle cascade down the wooden fencing and busy bees are everywhere. The fruit trees seem to like this hot weather. We had a bumper crop of juicy, deep garnet-coloured cherries from two trees this year. Every morning when I took Rani out we'd head to those trees first, racing the crows and ravens. Looks like a good crop of apples coming too.
We have a new Bambi! One morning, a few weeks ago, a neighbour stopped his truck to tell me the exciting news. He had seen mama and fawn, right after the birth, in his garden and couldn't wait to tell me. Well, it wasn't long before they came visiting the Aerie...and stepping up to the buffet! I managed to get a picture one morning, after my hu
The spring and first part of summer have been a bit of a struggle, health-wise, for both my daughter and myself...but we all struggle with something, while hoping for the best. Meanwhile, unusual weather or not, the natural world is still there for us to measure and balance ourselves. The gifts from the earth are many, if we will only take the time to look with different eyes and a quiet mind. Namaste good neighbours...may you dine on gratitude today.
It is so good to have you back, Lorraine! Thanks for sharing your lovely little haven out on the Key.
Lorraine... love the pictures, your writing, your sense of humor, and your quiet way of playfully inviting me to come and spend some time at your home...
Superb! Welcome back!
Still not quite out of the woods with cable...but one of the engineers stopped by to see me yesterday. Hopefully all will be tickety-boo by the weekend.
You are all welcome at my house...kettle is always on! xoxo
Do your neighbors know who lucky they are to have you fighting with Comcast for them?
LOL...the service guys now greet me with hugs! Meanwhile...customer reps in Michigan are hiding behind desks. Service guys want an office of customer reps out here as much as we do! They are basically having to replace every single piece of equipment on the Key, from the last company of...(names I cannot use here!)
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