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Saturday, January 17, 2009

Congratulations To The Young People At The Martin Luther King Assembly

Thanks to every staff person, and student, who worked so very hard in putting this assembly together. Thank you, Ylisse Bess, for graciously hosting the assembly.

Thank you, Trejor Brooks and Sergio Coleman for concluding our program with your wonderful singing of the Black National Anthem.


Lorraine Hart said...

Rise up, rise up young folks...and bring our dreams to the future!

JosephMcG said...

One of the telling moments in Rev. Dr Braxton's speech came as he recalled that young people have always been on the front line when it comes to change...
(as a sad footnote, I am deeply troubled by reading about young people who are trashing neighborhoods in Oakland... not all young people, of course, but I am sure there has to be a lot more listening by all concerned in Oakland, just as there needs to be listening throughout all of Pierce County and Washington State)
And I am smiling thinking of the young people who worked so hard during this presidential election (lots for Obama, lots against)... we are fortunate to live in a country where all of us can speak and act honestly and freely...
