Businesses are goal setting. Churches are getting ready to welcome vacationers back.
We appear to be so very divided around poverty and peace... and teachers, get ready... THE STUDENTS ARE BACK!
High energy, sorry summer is over--- the students are back. And, this year, the iron fist of NO NONSENSE, SETTLE DOWN, GET YOUR HOMEWORK IN NOW is decked out in black shirts... with that big downer, some time stopper that I would like to misquote now:
"Melvin and Lucinda, settle down or I shall see you after school at jug!"
But you took your chances, your pushed the teacher too hard, and Mel and Luci... you are paying the price... sitting far away from each other, eyes on whatever you have to do, and slowly, slowly, you are ("wake up, the teacher is about to give you another day in jug...")
"Ah," you tell your folks after the teacher has phoned them that night, "I didn't do nothing." Well, check it out the teachers have the list in black and white now and this time, "if you do the crime, you'll pay the time."
Life goes on... school has started... and you are finding yourself on a grey day in a world of trouble...
Glad there's still three weeks in the natural summer, ending at the Equinox...nature being a darn good teacher.
Love you! Missus Natcheral xo
(often in trouble in school)
Love you too... summer is over though... first day of school... tomorrow, Wednesday...
Sigh...man-made seasons.
I just heard one student say:
"jug is going to be hard this year, they have got you going out and cleaning the yards... for three hours...
Sigh... for the good old jug days
Confession: I was too frightened to ever get sent to jug...
I have mixed feelings about this action. On the one hand...giving kids hands-on contact with the earth and growing things...good. On the other...making it a punishment...bad.
All things are artificial, for nature is the art of God.
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