Then my daughter Anna woke up, in the middle of a rough "Herxheimer" reaction. As the bacteria do their monthly "die-off" they spit out neuro-toxins which make all of her symptoms turn up the volume. It was not a great day for me to leave her side, but her brother has become so good at helping her. Still, I didn't want to leave her. About this time I noticed I had a message on my p
By the time my husband got down there, the community was pitching-in to set up everything with the determination of a populace full of good heart and strong bones. I did my best to keep taking deep breaths and put on my Les Izmore, gonzo journalist outfit, thinking I might make my friends laugh again. Finally, an hour late, I drove the six miles down to Longbranch, unable to help myself lift, anymore than I could banish the low cloud-cover. I thought of the daily Native American Elder quote I had been sent that morning, "Everything I know, I learned from listening and watching."
As I walked towards the crowd, I heard a man and woman locked in haunting, beautiful vocal harmony. It pulled at my heart a
When they finished I walked, with my friend Trish, over to the hall to check out the damage. No one was allowed in, except for the forensic crew who were getting both finger and shoe prints left behind. It was then I found out that the Longbranch Church had also been hit...hard. Neighbours gathered together in small groups to talk and comfort one another, off to the side, and yet the spirit of this hardy bunch held it together. Our local drum circle began to play as the second band got their equipment set u
I walked through the Art Show tent and voted for my favourite. So many good folk asked me how Anna was doing, knowing she would be with me if the day was a good one. All of us were so very tactile...we needed each others touch, as if it kept us safe in an unsafe world. Then the world began to give through music again, this time a family band originally from Egypt, The MB Orchestra. The band was made up of men from George Sadak's family.
This time mid to far-eastern rhythms and melodies reached for our hearts, hands and hips, music that has soothed me since I was a baby in Southeast Asia. Here too, the vocals were like prayers for u
By now, I had started to feel the pull to go home and be with Anna, though there were still two more bands to go. But first I drove down the street to the church and to the few people standing in the parking lot, while the police were doing their work inside. Thankfully, the Sanctuary and stained glass window were sp
My family stayed close last night. Thankfully Anna was doing a little better by evening, which is often the way with her Lyme disease. We all gathered in her room to watch a movie, insular once again. I had watched and listened to my daughter's struggle, learning from her strength. I had watched and listened to music from opposite sides of the world and knew to accept, with gratitude, the music's soothing. I watched and listened to my community's struggle, and learned we have strength together. Beyond The Borders succeeded far past anyone's expectations this year, just by carrying on. Kudos to Mark Runions, The Longbranch Improvement Club, Two Waters Arts Alliance, and the strong spirit of our community.
Thanks for this wonderful story of the power of community...
Joseph is right. This is a wonderful story of your wonderful community. I hope they catch the kids that did the damage before they increase the stakes.
Lorraine, as I said before, we need to spread the word. Not about the thugs that did the damage, but about this community and it's strength. I am going to do my part.
Readers, fellow bloggers, share this story and support this community.
Lorraine - what a wonderful, heartfelt article on Beyond the Borders and the community that you and I share. I'm trying to figure out how to forward it to Madeleine - I know she would appreciate it. I too was teary as they finished their set - to a standing (in the rain) ovation!
Sadly, the Longbranch Improvement Club was vandalized again, within hours of the completion of the event. The damage done this time was severe. We are in shock and mourning.
Mark, I emailed Madeleine and sent a link to here. She emailed me this morning and here is her message to the community...
"What an honor it was for us to be there for you all, particularly in the aftermath of the senseless violence wrecked upon you. As we were leaving we heard about the church also being vandalized. The loving, living spirit we witnessed and shared in your community was strong and positive and we feel blessed to have connected with you all."
I'd like to thank my fellow beautiful Blogonias for their offers to help. Perhaps we can have a benefit Mark? I know a certain band you and I are in would most certainly be there!
Right now, as Mark says, it's a community dealing from one day to the next and mourning the violence in our very peace-loving midst.
how eloquently you write of such heartbreak and disappointment. What a great community you live in, where you help each other and shore each other up.
There is much to say and too little space to say it.
thank you everyone, for your kind words and support. Those responsible have been caught and we wait to see what happens next. It is unfortunate that a few were so young. One young man had been reprimanded at a Church event...and felt justified to act-out in this manner. I would like to see the kids...and their front of the community, to hear our hurt and anger. Then I would like to see the kids be made responsible for the Hall and the Church. Young folks have to care about something in order to learn its value, and their own, in the community.
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