For the May 1st screening of "Under Our Skin" we worked with Carol Dike, Senior Branch Assistant at the Key Center Library to try and get the word out. Carol popped in and out while the film was playing and joined us for our discussion after. Now, I'm so pleased to let my community know that Carol has seen to it that two copies of the fully-featured DVD have been purchased for the Pierce County Library System! Feel free to ask for it at your library, through an inter-library loan.
To the wonderful folks who work so hard at the Key Center Library, especially Carol Dike, we give our heartfelt thanks!
I hope other libraries will step up and screen/buy the movie.
Update: Carol Dike informed us that the Lakewood Library were the ones to push for the film being in our system. Thank you Lakewood!!!
I shall ask for that inter-library loan... I am so grateful to all the librarians I know
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