paint spattered,
caressed patina
on an easel
she lets go
an easel she
Backgrounds prepared,
light, twilight and fire
for Words & Music to
light upon, bird on a wire.
Raven come from
cedar treetops,
brushes preening
three portraits,
poets Anita Boyle,
James Bertolino,
Cheryl Wheeler,
called back
for another show.
Lines in the fire, lines upon water and air,
lines of an earthy audience reflected.
Wheeler there in the round,
supported, surrounded.
Raven paints with light,
like sunset and sunrise,
never the same show twice.
Poets who speak
their words beyond
quiet voice on page
are brave,
as words might
on blue air
of twilight.
"I liked that they spoke
with no trickery,"
coyote union man.
"Sweeter than chocolate
covered pomegranate seeds,"
sparkly-eyed woman.
Gentle are words
a couple may share,
brave when they cast
them into the air.
Collide together
a Queen of Hearts,
and a finger-wavin',
cruisin' near sixty.
While the world seems bound
for Hell in a Hand-Cart,
she found our Pacific Northwest
in gentle rain
we pour
our hearts,
She pours taste
of her new song,
two verses,
she pulled us
into it
moment of time
Artist painted Artist
across sunset paper,
brushes fanned ember
and softened her lines,
lines that were
softened by
rain in Portland,
warmed by
worn and faithful
friends, there at
the farthest shore.
Wheeler's likeness
headed east
to Montana,
while the real deal
wheeled north,
cruisin' near sixty.
Raven dances in cedar,
three portraits of light
and the night's magic
had pleased her.
And reading this has pleased me. Thank you, Lorraine, for your "Words and Magic."
Irene I'm so glad to please you, my friend! Please feel free to keep calling me Maya...gonna write about that, I keep saying.
Always looking for new ways to show the magic that is...thanks for coming along for the crazy ride!
Illuminatingly effervescent! Bravo!
Hey, you know what? I think Key Pen needs a monthly glossy art mag (like Tacoma's City Arts). This would be an amazing piece for it! Or the Key Pen news perhaps can have a special art supplement.
I know it takes oodles of $$$$$ but, hey, just dreaming a little. Well a lot.
Dear Lorraine, as always, your words paint magic! One of your many gifts my friend!
Thank you, my dear friends!
Gigi...we passed the photo of BoBo around the audience and told his story. Any word? I'm so sorry I missed you that day! Calling you today.
Kim...I would sooo love to have an Arts supplement to the Key Pen News. They just don't have the budget or manpower to cover the Arts the way they used to. I hate that it always comes down to $$$ but that seems to be, ahem, bottom line. Luckily we artists are used to living on dreams!
Mizu, your support can always be counted on. I have hidden with the storms of this winter, but you and I are also way overdue for a good conversation.
Dare I say it...Blogonias unite!
What a lovely (and creative) blog about what was obviously a lovely event. Someday, someday, someday.
@Kim, my problem with glossy mags is the trees they take. I don't think you can use recycled paper for that sort of thing. A Key Pen Arts website where things couild be seen and purchased would be my dream.
Good point, Stephanie. I think it's friendly materials (goodness I hope so). Website? That's just as nice!
I'm trying to build one of those "Intuit" websites...but my learning curve for 'pooter stuff is legendary!
You can always see the Two Waters artists at the Two Waters Arts Alliance website...but the idea of a rotating website gallery of the different artists' works...words, music, art...
Having the time...or the money to have someone do it for everyone, oy! This little Miss 312 Personalities doesn't need to pick up any more jobs...but all of us barely-making-it artists could certainly use more exposure.
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