If you please. I can barely manage to tumble out of bed when it snows. And so I have been"cabin'd, cribbed, and confined" (with all due deference to my mentor, William Shakespeare) the last few day. Read a lot, tried desperately to eat only healthy foods (sigh) and pushed myself through a lot of reading.
Got back in tune with that wonderful writer, Richard Wright. Read Wrogjt's "A Father's Law," and went off into gloomy spaces, considering a few of the emotionally shattering moments in my life when I have in thought, word, or deed, struck out at people who had done absolutely nothing to offend me or hurt me.
So I was ready to start getting out again, relating to other human beings and so pleased to have the possibility of having myself grounded in the healthy space of face to face conversation.
When, I looked outside and saw Rain turning to snow.
Now it's turned back to rain. WHINE:It is going to be an interesting day-END OF WHINE!
A new Brewery is coming to Tacoma. Wingman Brewery just got their license approved and will soon be filling our glasses with some tasty sounding brews.
"It was good to hear that news today," said Ken Thoburn, one of the owners. Thoburn said he and fellow owners Derrick Moyer, Daniel Heath and Jason Sabol have been working for more than a year to get licensed and secure a location.
The owners have backgrounds in brewing, but this will be their first venture into the industry.
Now they are free to begin brewing at their production-only location at 1727 Fawcett Ave.
Thoburn said they'll begin brewing very soon, and hope to have their beers available in Tacoma bars and restaurants by the end of March or beginning of April.
I've also been following them on Facebook. I am anxiously looking forward to trying their beers!
As a side note, as soon as I return from a month long business trip to California, I hope to brew my own first batch. I have all the equipment!
Decided to head on down the hill, cross the street, and go to Target to pick up my medication. I was trying to hide behind my desire to stay inside and avoid the cold, but I had to let that go when I heard that the snow is coming. So I headed out and I was astounded to see wonderful young folks outside just enjoying the grey skies and the afternoon sunshine but what was on the horizon...
Grey skies, very cloudy, and I had to face the possibility (after all tv reporters and the Tacoma News Tribune was being perfectly clear) that SNOW WAS COMING!!!I'm from Texas. Left Houston when I was twelve years old. I remember getting lost one snowy day when I was coming from school, missed my bus stop and had to figure out how to back track to my home... scared, you bet, but I was not smart enough to ask for health. Cold, getting dark, and then it started snowing. Oh I was cold and scared. One house looked like another and I was not used to figuring my way by knowing the names of various streets. Never, never occured to me to knock on anybody's door, calling home, and asking mom or grandmom to come get me.
Kept walking, getting tired and feeling hungry and then I started thinking that I was going to die out here. But I kept walking and finally made it home and I was so very happy to see the light shining on the front porch. I cannot remember telling mom or grandmom what had happened. Probably didn't because I kept a lot of fears and pains to myself.
So I have had hard times in the cold and snow in Texas, but nothing like the Northwest.
Still I had only a few blocks to go and I was used to walking to the pharmacy so I strolled on down the road, listening to rhythm and blues on my ipod, and doing my best to not start swinging my arms and doing little dance steps to the music.
Got my medication and headed back to Bellarmine. As I headed up the hill I started snapping my fingers and doing little dance steps. Cold it was, but I had decided to really dress up... heavy jacket, gloves, nice little cap, and I was feeling ok. As I came up the hill, little flakes started coming down. By the time I got up the hill the snow had stopped. But I know that the snow is coming and I am going to make sure that I am dressed warmly and ready to do some little dance steps.
Sports have changed haven’t they? In the last most recent decades, people in their forties (and well beyond!) are visible sports warriors. Packs of bike riders, runners, walkers, gym patrons, dancers, swimmers, skiers, soccer players, baseball players, and basketball players are seen all over the place, rain or shine, winter or summer, day or night. Lots of those folks are middle-agers and older who are moving their bodies to benefit their bodies and minds.
Living in the South Sound, with it’s rich outdoor beauty, scenic trails, and sporty spirit, offers much to the sports minded no matter what age. I used to think Portland had fitness and health nailed over the Puget Sound, but I don’t think that’s the case. We South Sounders get moving, and with the evidence I see of my generation and my parent's generation on getting in shape and taking charge, it’s inspirational.
Sports Warriors (or wanna bes) age 40+: Give me your thoughts on fitness for middle age and beyond. What do you love about exercise/sport/fitness at this age? What are challenges? What’s your favorite sporting activities in the South Sound?
Bonus material! Here’s a mini-interview with Shirley Phillips, team manager and soccer warrior of the indoor soccer team “I Don’t Know” (love that name!) at the Tacoma Indoor Soccer Center. Shirley captures the pulse of the sports fun at any age. Read on.
1. How did the team come together originally? How long has the team been around? What's up with the name (which I love by the way)? The team came together by way of me talking with other parents and friends about if they would be interested in getting a team together. This session right now is the second session - so three months. The team name came about when one of the players who said they wanted to join the team (Joe Horn) asked me one day at my sons game what is the team name going to be....I replied...hmmm...I don't know. he said that sounds good. I laughed and said yeah right....and it stuck as I could not come up with anything original.
2. There are a number of folks that are brand spanking new to the game. How does that work with the more experienced players? I don't think it matters at all and the more experienced players are happy to have newbees on the team to spread the word as to how much fun it is.
3. What's the difference of playing back in the day and playing NOW? Not too much difference. I always played outdoor - which is a HUGE difference from indoor. Being older and slower is the only difference I see:)
When I was sixteen years old I went to see the film, The Robe, ten times. That film gave me a chance to think about what God mean to me. There is a scene in the film that focuses on the death of Judas... dark sky, solitary man hanging from a tree. I needed to think about despair, guilt, and death.
Sunday night I watched the HBO move, Sunset Limited. Once again I am thinking about despair and guild and death. Sunset Limited is one of the best films I have ever seen.
Tommie Lee Jones, executive producer, director, and actor in Sunset Limited,got me looking at my own thinking... given so much violence I see in life around me and know that, given my own weaknesses, I could, in word or deed, do to others, in what ways does my head move me to respond to my aging and dying.
Samuel L. Jackson's wonderful acting in Sunset Limitedgot me considering my own prayer life and spirituality and wondering in what ways my heart move me to respond to my mortality.
Sunset Limited is one of those films which will help adults to take a good long look at what counts in life and how much we need other people in our lives who can support us in thinking honestly, looking at our feelings closely, and choosing to live positively and lovingly in the moment.
It's front page news this morning! Tacoma PTA celebrates 100 years of activity and activism. Celebrate tomorrow afternoon. All the details are right HERE .
Did you know that the concept and phrase preschool was born right here in Tacoma? The Tacoma PTAChild Study Clubs in 1916 (otherwise known as preschools, a phrase developed in 1915 here locally). By 1917, the state convention adopted the phrase preschool. Later, the California Congress took it a step further and created what was known as a Family Life Education department. Credit was given to Tacoma for coming up with the concept as that was the foundations of our current day kindergarten system. As we can see locally, this concept has grown by leaps and bounds considering all the rich preschool options we have. discovered a need amongst mothers with young children that weren't yet school age and what can be done for them. This lead to the formation of
Want to learn more about this exciting piece of history and many other amazing good works by Tacoma PTA? Check out the Tacoma PTA 100 Year Birthday Bash held at Lincoln High School on February 17th. Details are just a click away, right HERE.
The quick answer: A place for neighbors. It’s a place to get up to date on what’s going on around you, to tell a story, to share an idea or a bit of yourself. South Sounders created all the content on this page. Send questions, comments or feedback to matt.misterek@thenewstribune.com.
Our regulars
Stephanie Frieze …has always liked to write. Her experience includes three years at the University Washington School of Communications studying journalism. She had a stint at the Chinook Observer in Long Beach. Raised in Bellevue, she’s lived in Gig Harbor for nearly 18 years. She and her husband have a home in Ilwaco, where they spend as much time as possible. This mother of four loves books, spending time with family and the color purple. Contact her at dbandstefery@comcast.net.
Lorraine Hart …was born a nomadic mutt. She spent her life observing, writing and making music. She’s an unabashed carrier of the titles “hippie,” “feminist” and “liberal.” She’s resided in the South Sound since 1996 and is currently living above Joe’s Bay in Home. She juggles her time between being a caregiver, a writer, an artist, a musician, a minister, a wife, a mother, an advocate, a friend and a pilgrim – not necessarily in that order. Contact her at matlox@cablespeed.com.
Jaynie Jones …is a Tacoma resident with diverse career tracks in broadcasting, journalism, teaching, health care, desktop publishing, floral design, special event planning and photography. She’s best known as long-time KOMO radio personality Jaynie Dillon and was once a familiar voice on Tacoma stations KTAC, KBRD-FM, KTNT and KNBQ-FM. Formerly a resident of Tacoma’s East Side, she’s volunteered in the Eastside Substation and with Safe Streets. Contact her at jaynie.jones@gmail.com .
Tracy Lebenzon ...is a blog contributor from Greenwater. Greenwater is the last stop before Crystal Mountain, Mount Rainier and the surrounding wilderness areas. When not exploring the next mountain peak or forest trail, Tracy also contributes to the Greenwater Community Council and the Explore-Greenwater.com web site. He writes about topics ranging from favorite foot, bike, and snow trails to community events, local merchants and politics. Contact him at dmountains@explore-greenwater.com.
Joseph McGowan …is a chaplain who supports patients, families, friends, nurses and doctors at St. Joseph’s Hospital. Being 67, he’s learned this about living: Meet people on their own ground and you will discover that this Earth is our special place to meet and support each other. His motto: Live now. Share yourself now. Every living thing you experience is a pure gift. Love all life unconditionally. Contact him at mcg9940@yahoo.com.
Mizu Sugimura …is a third-generation Japanese American living in Federal Way. She’s married and a parent of one adult child. A lifelong resident of the Puget Sound area, she graduated with a degree in journalism from the University of Washington School of Communications. and served on Federal Way’s Diversity and Art Commissions. Her interests are politics, art, the history of minorities in Washington and family history. She’s written a self-published family history about her paternal grandfather. Contact her at mizusugi@yahoo.com.
Kim Thompson …is a Grit City native who was born and raised in Tacoma’s Old Town neighborhood by the gulch. She boasts that she’s a former Lowell Leopard, Mason Mustang and Wilson Ram, a short-time PLU Lute and a longtime UW Husky. This former corporate businesswoman is a wife, a mom, a school volunteer, a substitute teaching assistant, a writer and a born-again distance runner. She has convinced friends from Bellevue that Tacoma is worth the drive. Contact her at kimricksy@comcast.net.